Raw materials:
  • Fish processing by-products and low value fish
Process description:

At the beginning of the process, incoming raw material passes through an in-line mincer/grinder. Grinded raw material heated directly or indirectly by steam to coagulated proteins and melt oil. After short holding period, the hot fish mass is fed into the 3-phase or 2-phase decanter centrifuge. Decanter centrifuge perform fast and efficient separation of the raw material into wet solids, oil and stick water phases. The oil phase will be cooled by plate heat exchanger and pumped to storage directly or after purification by High Speed Separator. Very short heating time ensure low FFA content and high oil quality. Addition of antioxidants will improve shelf time of oil.

Stickwater after decanter (containing valuable soluble proteins) to be concentrated at vacuum evaporation system and mixed with wet decanter solids before conveyed to the dryer to convert to the fish meal. After milling and cooling fish meal is packed into bags or big-bag and moved to storage.

End products:
  • Fish meal, feed grade, protein content 65-72%;
  • Fish Oil, food grade, up to 99,9% purity.
Scope of Supply:

Complete process including the following main components:

  • Mincer/grinder;
  • In-direct or direct steam heater;
  • Decanter centrifuges;
  • Centrifugal separators;
  • Valves and pumps;
  • Heat Exchangers;
  • Disc dryers;
  • Dry block equipment;
  • Fish meal packaging system;
  • Instruments and controls.

Raw materials:
  • Fish processing by-products and low value fish
Process description:

At the beginning of the process, incoming raw material passes through an in-line mincer. Minced raw material fed to de-bonner to get rid of bones. Mince after de-bonner heated indirectly by steam to melt oil, but keep proteins non-coagulated. After short holding period, the heated mass is fed into the 3-phase decanter centrifuge for de-oiling. Decanter centrifuge perform fast and efficient separation of the raw material into wet solids, oil and stick water phases. The oil phase will be cooled by plate heat exchanger and pumped to storage directly or after purification by High Speed Separator. Very short heating time ensure low FFA content and high oil quality. Addition of antioxidants will improve shelf time of oil.

Stickwater after decanter (containing valuable soluble proteins) mixed with de-oilled solids and pumps to the digestion tanks (digestors). Digestors are operated in batch sequence. Tanks are filled with a predetermined amount of de-oiled & deboned fish mass and tempered water before being pH adjusted and inoculated with enzyme blend. After a period of digestion, the tank is heated in order to terminate enzyme activity. After enzymes activity is stopped, product is pumped to 2-phase decanter centrifuge to remove non-digested particles from bullion, containing valuable aminoacids and peptides. The bullion is pumped to the High Speed Separator (HSS) for final de-fatting and de-sludging.

Clarified extract after HSS feeds to Vacuum Evaporation System for concentration.

Concentrated product can be feed to the Spray Dryer to make powder or packed into barrels as bullion concentrate.

End products:
  • Fish protein hydralizate, food grade, protein content 75-80%;
  • Fish Oil, food grade, up to 99,9% purity.
Scope of Supply:

Complete process including the following main components:

  • Mincer/grinder;
  • In-direct or direct steam heater;
  • Decanter centrifuges;
  • Centrifugal separators;
  • Valves and pumps;
  • Heat Exchangers;
  • Disc dryers;
  • Spray dryer;
  • Dry block equipment;
  • Packaging system;
  • Instruments and controls.

Raw materials:
  • Washed fish mince
Process description:

The mince is first mixed with conditioned water in a mixing tank. The washing takes place continuously and the ratio of mince to water is automatically monitored and precisely adjusted. This feature ensures optimum conditions since the washed mince is then pumped to the refining stage where the fish proteins are effectively separated from non-muscle tissue such as bone, skin, connective tissue and other impurities. For whitefish, the refined slurry is continuously pumped to the decanter centrifuge for separation of water and fish mince. If dark-fleshed or fatty fish are being processed into surimi, a second washing stage may be necessary before decanting. The dewatered mince from the decanter is pumped to a blending system where it is mixed with sugars, sorbitol and polyphosphates to prevent freeze denaturation. The mixer is equipped with a cooling jacket, which keeps the temperature as low as possible and maintains the high quality of the fish protein. The surimi enters an extruder, which forms the surimi into blocks that are then frozen.

End products:
  • Surimi
Scope of Supply:

Complete process including the following main components:

  • Washing unit;
  • Decanter centrifuges;
  • Centrifugal separators;
  • Valves and pumps;
  • Heat Exchangers;
  • Extruder;
  • Packaging system;
  • Instruments and controls.
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